Gluten-Free Symposium - Call for abstracts

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Call for abstracts!

Join us at the GF19,
the 5th International Symposium on
Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages!


The 5th event of this series will be hosted by the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry of the KU Leuven and co-organised by the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology. Taking place on June 26 to 28, 2019 in Leuven, Belgium, the GF19 is entitled “Building products by knowledge” and aims at providing a science platform to present the latest gluten-free research and to discuss relevant structure-function relationships. 

This meeting will wrap-up with the current issues, trends and perspectives:

  1. discuss gluten-free raw materials and plant breeding,
  2. focus on starch and protein ingredients and
  3. cover the newest solutions for different products, including bakery products, dairy alternatives and beer.

The conference addresses scientists as well as representatives of the industry and academia from all over the world, bringing together experts of different areas of gluten-free research including food chemistry, biochemistry, physics, biophysics, technology, processing, quality and nutrition.

By doing so, GF19 will provide multidisciplinary perspectives in order to address the present challenges for science based innovation and to build satisfying, gluten-free products.


GF19 is THE place to be to get the latest state-of-the art on gluten-free topics!
Join us in Leuven in June 2019!

Scientific topics 

  1. Issues, Trends and Perspectives in the Gluten-Free Food World
  2. GF Raw Materials, Plant Breeding
  3. GF Ingredients: Starch Focus
  4. GF Ingredients: Protein Focus
  5. GF Products: Bakery Products
  6. GF Products: Beer and other Beverages

Abstract submission

Abstract submission for the GF2019 is now open till

1 March 2019.

Submit your abstract!


Looking to put your company and its competences in the focus of the gluten free sector? We offer attractive sponsoring packages including the opportunity to exhibit at the venue.
Become a Sponsor!

Early bird registration

Register before
15 March 2019 to benefit from reduced registration fees.
Register Now!
Find all further details about the event at the GF19 website!
2018, ICC - International Association for Cereal Science and Technology 
Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria. Phone: +43 1 7077202 0 

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