Officers of the Association

Bertrand Matthäus, Germany
ICC President 2024-25 and Chair of

Dhan Bhandari, UK
ICC President Elect 2024-25

Gerhard Schleining, Austria
ICC Past President 2024-25

Veronika Haslinger, Austria
ICC Secretary General

Valentina Narducci, Italy
ICC Technical Director

Alessandra Marti, Italy
ICC Technical Co-Director

Alessandra Fratianni, Italy
ICC Technical Co-Director

Katharina Scherf, Germany
ICC Technical Co-Director

Hamit Köksel, Turkey
The ICC General Assembly shall meet every two years and makes decisions on issues such as admission and termination of ICC members; appointment of the President Elect and President; election of members to the Executive Committee; election of the Auditors of the Association; approval of the statement of annual accounts; determination of the membership fees and approval of relevant budgets; approval of the progress report of the Technical Committee; adoption of draft standards, standards and other documents; amendment of the Statutes; deliberation upon any other items placed upon the agenda.
The ICC Executive Committee proposes the admission of ICC Members to the General Assembly; appoints the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General; exercises financial supervision through the Governing Committee; appoints the Technical Director and Technical Co-Director; sets up Working Groups, appoint their chairs and discuss reports on the progress of work in these groups; makes proposals to the General Assembly for adoption of draft standards, standards and similar documents of the Association; decides on recommendations for awards of Honorary Presidency, Fellowship of the ICC Academy and the conferring of ICC medals through the ICC Academy and handles all matters of the Association not expressively reserved for the General Assembly.
The ICC Technical Committee reviews the progress of the work of the Working Groups and presents to the Executive Committee proposals for standard methods and new Working Groups.
The ICC Auditors supervise the managements of the Association’s finances with regard to the observance of the proper rules of accounting and the disposition of the Association’s funds in accordance with the statutes. They submit an annual audit report to the General Assembly.