
Join the ICC Mentoring Programme

ICC offers a Mentoring Program for young ICC members to benefit from the experience, knowledge and insights as well as guidance shared by renown experts in the field from academia and industry. Our Mentoring Programme shall support the mentees in their professional developments and help to gain truly valuable insights on career paths they are following or may be considering or to solve one specific problem they are facing in their research area. Mentors will pass on their specialist knowledge or their experience and can sometimes also support the mentees with personal contacts. Areas addressed in our mentoring relationships range from specific technical questions to career insights and networking support.

Mentees will be able to choose three mentors according to their preferences from the list of available mentors provided below and send their request with the form below to the ICC Headquarters.

After carefully considering the individual needs our ICC Mentoring Programme Administrator will assign the mentoring partners, depending on the availability of the mentor. It is foreseen that these tandems will arrange their further meetings on their own while of course still being peripherally supported by the ICC Headquarters.

In average, our mentoring relationships will last about six months with several individual online meetings (about 40-45 minutes each) as necessary. 

Our mentors are ICC Academy Fellows, Past Presidents and well experienced individuals from Country Member Organisations as well as Institutional and Corporate Members of ICC. Currently the following experts are available in our Mentoring  Programme:

Ke Bian

Position: Professor and PhD student supervisor
Organisation: Henan University of Technology | China
Field of expertise: Cereal science and technology
Language: Chinese, English

I am working for the Henan University of Technology as a Prof. and Ph. D. student supervisor. I have been working on cereal science and technology for about 36 years, and published 268 research articles and got fruitful research achievements. I am also a Fellow of the ICC Academy; and had worked for ISO/TC34/SC4 as chairperson for 11 years.

Available Mentees Places: 3

Charles Brennan

Position: Executive Dean, School of Science STEM College
Organisation: RMIT University | Australia
Field of expertise: Extrusion technology, dietary fibre, cereal food nutrition, glycaemic impact
Language: English

I am an established senior academic and globally recognised researcher with over 25 years experience and having written over 200 scholarly works, H index of 39. I am also Editor in Chief of three internationally peer-reviewed SCI journals. My personal research projects include the utilization of plant and fungal bio-active components into functional foods in relation to human nutrition and manipulation of chronic diseases, understanding of the diversity of plant foods throughout the world and their importance in human society, cereal processing and technology. I have successfully supervised over 75 MSc and PhD students.

Available Mentees Places: 1


Stanley Cauvain

Position: Director 
Organisation: BakeTran | UK
Field of expertise: Breadmaking, Baking, Flour Milling
Language: English

I am currently running an International Consultancy for baking and milling industries and have a long history in applied research. I have an extensive publication record with 17 authored and edited technical books, and 50+ book chapters. I am a former President and an Honorary President of ICC.

Available Mentee Places: 3

Christophe Courtin

Position: Professor of Food Biochemistry at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry
Organisation: KU Leuven | Belgium
Field of expertise:  Cereal starch and non-starch carbohydrates and dietary fiber, the enzymes that degrade them and yeast in cereal processing
Language: English, Dutch

My research focuses on cereal starch and non-starch carbohydrates and dietary fiber, the enzymes that degrade them and yeast in cereal processing. Dietary fibres under study are arabinoxylans, arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides, fructans, and, more recently, cellulose and beta-glucan. Cereal bran as a dietary fibre rich byproduct from roller milling or as part of whole meal is equally studied. The emphasis is on basic understanding of the structure and properties of these carbohydrates (as individual molecules and as components of complex 3D structures) as well as on their technological and health functionality in cereal based processes and products, using, amongst others, molecular biology as a tool. The yeast research line focusses on the interaction between yeast and dough at the level of dough rheology, fermentation substrates, enzymes, inhibitors, aroma, end product quality and nutrition. Expertise and an extensive network in this area have been build up over the past two decades through a multitude of PhD’s (33 + 11 ongoing), projects and national and international collaborations. At a national level, I took part in and coordinated successive strategic basic research projects. I participated in European integrated research projects in the consecutive Framework Programmes (Gemini, Solfibread, Healthgrain, Biocore). Since 1998, I (co-)authored over 290 peer reviewed papers, cited over 10,000 times (WoS h-index: 55). I filed patents in 10 patent families. I was program chair of the 2010 Annual Meeting of AACC International (Charlotte, USA), co-chair of the 2013 Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting (Leuven, Belgium) and member of scientific committees of over 12 international meetings. I took up several leadership roles within the university context, the latest one being vice dean of my faculty, and in other (international) organizations.

Available Mentees Places: 2


Hamit Köksel

Position: Professor
Organisation: Istinye University | Turkey
Field of expertise:  Extrusion cooking, resistant starch, dietary fiber, biofortification, various aspects of baking and pasta manufacturing
Language: English, Turkish

For the past 30 years, I have been the leader of the Cereal Research Group at Hacettepe University, Food Engineering Department and leader of several research projects supported by the Turkish Scientific and Research Council and Hacettepe University Research Funds. Since 2004, I serve as the National Delegate of Food Chemistry Division of EuCheMS. I have also served as ICC President Elect, ICC President and ICC Past President since 2015. Currently, I am working at Istinye University located in Istanbul and teaching courses related to Food Chemistry. My recent research projects are focused on extrusion cooking, resistant starches, dietary fibers, biofortification, various aspects of baking and pasta manufacturing. I collaborate with many cereal breeders, bakers and millers at the national and international level.

Available Mentees Places: 3

Sam Millar

Position: Quality Director
Organisation: Warburtons | UK
Field of expertise:  Interactions between raw materials and baked products quaity and its practical application
Language: English

Available Mentees Places: 3

Peter Shewry

Position: Principal Scientist
Organisation: Rothamsted Research | UK
Field of expertise:  Grain development, structure and composition in relation to quality for processing and human health. Focus on wheat, gluten proteins, mineral micronutrient s, dietary fibre and phenolic acids.
Language: English
I lead a research programme on the development, structure and composition of wheat grain. Over a 50-year career I have collaborated with many international scientists, including the EU FP7 HEALTHGRAIN project (Exploiting the bioactivity of European cereal grains for improved nutrition and health benefits).  I am the author of over 500 refereed papers in international journals, have edited or co-edited 19 books (including the 4th edition of Wheat: Chemistry and Technology and 2nd edition of Barley: Chemistry and Technology) and have written many major reviews and book chapters. I am currently Reviews Editor for Journal of Cereal Science.

Available Mentees Places: 3

Hui Sun

Position: Professor
Organisation: Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration | China
Field of expertise: Grain quality and related standardization
Language: Chinese, English

I am Professor at the Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration in China. I am Chair of ISO/TC34/SC4 (Food Products/Cereals and Pulses). Also, I received the Harald Perten Award from ICC in 2012.

Available Mentees Places: 3

Fengcheng Wang

Position: Professor of Cereal Science
Organisation: Henan University of Technology | China
Field of expertise: Grain Processing Machinery; Biological-Agricultural Engineering
Language: Chinese, English

I am professor in cereal science and technology at Henan University of Technology, and serve as director of the National Engineering Technology Research Center for Grain Processing Equipment, China. I received my B.S. degree in Grain Processing Machinery from Zhengzhou Grain College, China in 1983 and M.S. in Biological-Agricultural Engineering and Ph.D. in Grain Science both from Kansas State University, USA in 1997 and 2001, respectively.  
I have played an active role in CCOA as co-chair for the Wheat Flour Based Food Division. I served ICC as Past President from 2015-26 and I am Fellow of the ICC Academy.

Available Mentees Places: 3

Phil Williams

Position:  --
Organisation: Formerly PDK Projects, Inc. | CA
Field of expertise: Analytical systems for quality assessment of cereals and derived products

Phil Williams finished his Ph.D. work at Aberystwyth in 1957, and gained his Ph.D. in 1958. He didn’t attend the graduation ceremony because he was at sea on the way to his first job at the Agricultural Research Institute, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Phil’s first introduction to wheat. Phil worked at Wagga until September 1964, when he came to the Grain Research Laboratory, Winnipeg, Manitoba, on a post-doctoral fellowship. Half-way through the year Phil was offered a job at the GRL where he worked until March 31st, 2002.

Phil started to work with PDK Projects, Inc. in Winnipeg, mainly on the application of NIRS to the continuous on-line analysis of liquid hog-manure. Phil finally retired in the fall of 2017, and is filling his time in writing his life-story, where he is now up to 2007. Regrettably Phil’s dear wife, Diane, is suffering from Dementia, so he is also a 24/7 care-giver.

Comprehensive, but easy-to learn books on Cereal Technology and Near-infrared Spectroscopy.

Available Mentee Places: 3
For providing a successful mentoring experience it is of utmost importance to specify the expectations already in advance as concrete as possible. This is why we kindly ask interested young ICC Members, no matter coming from academia or industry, to take time to carefully think about their expectations and needs and submit these as clear as possible to our mentors with the Mentor Request Form as provided below.

After receiving this, the ICC Mentoring Programme Administrator will select the most suitable mentor among the three chosen by the mentee (taking also the availability of the mentor into consideration) and will confirm the official start of the mentoring relation with a personal email linking both, the mentor and mentee.

Here at ICC, we believe that this Mentoring Programme will be a great opportunity for both, the mentors as well as the mentees, since the mentees will be able to match themselves with leading scientists or researchers and industry leaders they would like to meet and talk while the mentors will benefit from the young experts' new ideas and esprit.