110/1 Determination of the Moisture Content of Cereals and Cereal Products (Practical method)

Methods Type: 
 Generic Methods
Key data
Number: 110/1
Analyte: Moisture Content
Matrix: Cereals and Cereal Products
Year of Approval: 1960
Year of Last Revision: 1976
Scope: This method is applicable specifically to: wheat, rice (hulled paddy), maize grains or flour from barley, millet, rye and oats, whole grain, ground grains, semolina and flour. This method gives unsatisfactory results for brewing barley. Because of the very high moisture content which can be found in maize sample (Sometimes more than 40 %) and because of the size and structure of the grains, problems arise in the pre-drying and grinding of maize for moisture determination. For this reason both the practical and the basic reference methods can in this case only be carried out by specialized laboratories.
Principle: Determination of the weight loss suffered by the sample when dried at a temperature of 130 to 133 °C under precisely fixed conditions so that a result is achieved which corresponds to the result is achieved which corresponds to the result obtained using the basic reference method (ICC Standard No. 109, Determination of the moisture content of cereals and cereal products).

In the case of maize (and whole maize meal) the method of determining moisture content differs in some points from the method for other cereals (and cereal products). In the description of the method in the Standard, the variations are given side by side in two columns: the right-hand column applies to maize and the left-hand to other cereals and cereal products.


Moisture content is taken to be the loss in weight, expressed as a percentage of the weight of the original sample, which the product undergoes under the conditions specified in the present ICC Standard No. 110.


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