156 Determination of Total Dietary Fibre

Methods Type: Generic Methods
Key data
Number: 156
Analyte: Total Dietary Fibre
Matrix: Cereal Foodstuffs and Food in general
Year of Approval: 1994
Scope: The method is designed for the determination of the total dietary fibre content of food in general and of cereal foodstuffs in particular.
Principle: Samples (duplicates at least, but preferably two duplicates), defatted if necessary (see section 7.1), are gelatinized in the presence of heat stable alpha amylase, and then enzymatically digested with protease and amyloglucosidase to remove digestible protein and starch. Four volumes of ethanol are added to precipitate soluble dietary fibre. Total residue is filtered off and washed with ethanol and acetone. The residue is weighed after drying. The remaining material is analysed for protein and ash content, respectively. Subtracting the amounts measured for protein, ash and a blank control from the dry weight of the filtered residue yields a value for total dietary fibre content.


The content of total dietary fibre is the amount of organic constituents, which are gravimetrically measured after extraction and enzymatic digestion of non-fibre material according to the described method. Dietary fibre substances primarily are hemicelluloses, pectins, other non-starch hydrocolloids, resistant starch, cellulose and lignin.


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