What is ICC?

ICC is an international network of cereal scientists and technologists from around the globe. The International Association for Cereal Science and Technology was founded in 1955 on the occasion of the 3rd International Bread Congress in Hamburg, Germany as "International Association for Cereal Chemistry" (ICC). Today ICC is one of the foremost international organisations in our field dedicated to international cooperation, the dissemination of knowledge, and the improvement in safety and quality of cereal-based foods. The Association has its headquarters in Vienna, Austria with members represented from all five continents. 

ICC addresses issues that contribute to improved food quality, food safety and food security. With experts and scientists specialising in the milling of wheat and other cereals, bread making, and the production of other cereal-based foods from around the world ICC is:

  • an independent, internationally recognised association
  • an apolitical forum for all cereal scientists and technologists
  • a publisher of international standard methods and scientific updates
  • an organiser of major national and international events in the field
  • a promoter of international cooperation on a global, regional and national level
  • a significant player in the coordination and participation in international research projects.

What is ICC’s mission?

"ICC is the pre-eminent international association in the field of cereal science and technology, committed to international cooperation through the dissemination of knowledge, conducting research, and developing standard methods that contribute to advance innovation, improve food quality, food safety and food security for the health and well-being of all people."

How is ICC involved in cereal science and technology?

  • By organising international events on trending topics in the field
  • By involvement in international research projects and networks
  • By validating and standardising test methods
  • By expanding and improving the efficient utilisation of cereals
  • By promoting domestic and international trade
  • By cooperating with other international organisations
  • By supporting young cereal and food scientists and continuous professional development


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ICC Statutes/ICC Statuten

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