10th D-A-CH Conference on Applied Cereal Sciences

10th D-A-CH Conference on Applied Cereal Sciences

The current hot topics in cereal science were discussed at the 10th DACH Conference for Applied Cereal Science (09 and 10 October 2024) at AGES in Vienna. A wide range of different topics on human nutrition and product quality, baking and dough properties, plant nutrition, contaminants and climate change adaptation were presented and discussed in 19 lectures, listed by more than 100 participants.
The replacement of sugar, the enrichment of dietary fibre and innovations in grain technology were an important part of the conference. In particular, the use of fibre-containing sources such as arabinoxylans in baked goods is becoming increasingly interesting especially due to their network-forming properties.  In addition, current topics of plant nutrition and the influence on protein formation were discussed. The part focused on undesirable substances, in particular the new legal requirements at EU level and the influence of processing on the levels of these substances (such as mycotoxins, tropane alkaloids or acrylamide) . The conference format D-A-CH conference on Applied Cereal Sciences took place already at the 10th time. It represents the successful collaboration ICC-Austria, with President Elisabeth Reiter, ICC-Switzerland, represented by Stephanie Bräunlich and AGF, represented by Georg Böcker and Konstantin Golombek. Austrian Bakery “Haubis” sponsored a great cake with considering all the important aspects on cereals and networking due to the statutes.

A further highlight was the recognition of the former ICC Austria president Alfred Mar who has held this position for 25 years. ICC Secretary General Veronika Haslinger has had the honour to express in her speech the appreciation for his contributions and overheld a honorary plate. Again here, the bakery “haubis” showed excellent creativity with a tasteful cake.