This year's ICC Awards were presented at an awarding ceremony during the 8th International Conference on Dietary Fibre, 16-18 October, in Leuven, Belgium.
We are pleased to announce the awardees:
Clyde H. Bailey Medal, for outstanding achievements in cereal science and technology:
Prof. John R.N. Taylor, University of Pretoria, ZA
Friedrich Schweitzer Medal, for distinguished service in the furtherance of the aims and ideals of ICC:
Prof. Charles Brennan, RMIT University, AUS
Fellowship of the ICC Academy, for significant contributions to cereal science and the aims and objectives of the ICC:
- Alfred Mar, ICC-Austria, AT
- Bin Xiao Fu, Canadian Grain Commission, CA
- Jan de Vries, Nutrition Solutions, NL
- Maria Papageorgiou, International Hellenic University, GR
- Nesli Sözer, VTT, FI
We sincerely congratulate all awardees!