ICC proudly announces its 2022 Awards!

ICC proudly announces its 2022 Awards!

This year's ICC Awards were presented at an awarding ceremony during the 8th International Conference on Dietary Fibre, 16-18 October, in Leuven, Belgium.

We are pleased to announce the awardees:

Clyde H. Bailey Medal, for outstanding achievements in cereal science and technology:

Prof. John R.N. Taylor, University of Pretoria, ZA

Friedrich Schweitzer Medal, for distinguished service in the furtherance of the aims and ideals of ICC:

Prof. Charles Brennan, RMIT University, AUS

Fellowship of the ICC Academy, for significant contributions to cereal science and the aims and objectives of the ICC:

  • Alfred Mar, ICC-Austria, AT
  • Bin Xiao Fu, Canadian Grain Commission, CA
  • Jan de Vries, Nutrition Solutions, NL
  • Maria Papageorgiou, International Hellenic University, GR
  • Nesli Sözer, VTT, FI

 We sincerely congratulate all awardees!