101/2 Sampling of Cereal Grains

Methods Type: Generic Methods
Key data
Number:  101/2
Analyte:  Sampling
Matrix:  Grains
Year of Approval:  1960 / First revision: 1982
Year of Last Revision:  2018
Scope:This Standard specifies the requirements for sampling lots; either static or moving, for quality and condition of cereal grains using manual or automatic mechanical means.  It does not apply to seed grain.
Principle: The principle of the method is to obtain a number of increments that when combined and homogenized to compose the bulk sample, form a representative sample.

Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions apply.


The quantity of grain dispatched or received at one time and covered by a particular contract or shipping document. It may be composed of one or more lots.

 Automatic sampling

The use of automated sampling equipment that has been permanently installed at a grain handling facility, with the purpose of sampling from at least one position within a static lot, or for sampling moving cereal grains at consistent predetermined intervals over the entire transfer of the lot.


A stated quantity, presumed to be of uniform characteristics, taken from the consignment, whose quality is to be assessed. 


A small quantity of grain taken from a single position in a lot during a single sampling action. A series of increments must be systematically taken from different positions in the lot in order to create a representative bulk sample.

Bulk sample

The quantity of grain obtained by combining and mixing all the increments taken from a specified lot.


The thorough mixing by manual or mechanical means so that any contaminants or foreign materials are thoroughly distributed throughout the bulk or laboratory sample.

Laboratory sample

A representative quantity of grain obtained by homogenization and division of the bulk sample and intended for analysis or other examination in a laboratory.

Primary sampler

 In an automatic sampling system,  the piece of equipment that performs the initial sample collection at an inward or outward sampling point.

Sample divider

In an automatic sampling system, the piece of equipment that reduces the size of the sample acquired by the primary sampler, which must maintain the properties and characteristics of the increment sample taken.

Sampling intensity

Number of increment samples required to be taken to create the bulk sample that is representative of a lot or consignment.

Sampling frequency

Interval (time or number) required to take the increment samples which will create the composite sample.


  • The number of seconds or minutes between each sampling action when stream sampling on a conveyor belt.
  • A sample is taken from every nth bag when sampling is being achieved through the use of an automatic sampler installed below an automatic bagger.


Material intermixed with a parcel of grain, other than kernels of grain of the same type, then can be readily removed through cleaning.

Primary Sample

Quantity of sample taken by a single sampling action.


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