175 Determination of Total Defects in Sorghum Grain

Methods Type: Generic Methods
Key data
Number: 175
Analyte: Total Defects
Matrix: Sorghum
Year of Approval: 2011
Scope: This method is applicable to determination of total defects in consignments of whole grain sorghum intended for human consumption.
Principle: The principle of the method is to separate all defects, defined under 3, from the normal basic grains by manual selection.

The term total defects applies to all components of a sorghum sample which differ from the normal basic variety, including extraneous matter, filth, blemished grains, diseased grains, broken kernels and other grains.

  • Extraneous matter All organic and inorganic material other than sorghum, broken kernels, other grains and filth. Extraneous matter includes loose sorghum seedcoats.
  • Filth Impurities of animal origin including dead insects.
  • Blemished grains
    • Grains which are insect of vermin damaged, of abnormal colour, sprouted, diseased, or otherwise materially damaged.
    • Diseased grains – grains made unsafe for human consumption due to decay, moulding, or bacterial decomposition, or other causes that may be noticed without having to cut the grains open to examine them.
    • Insect or vermin damaged grains – Kernels with obvious weevil-bored holes or which have evidence of boring or tunnelling, indicating the presence of insects, insect webbing or insect refuse, or degermed grains, chewed in more than one part of the kernel which exhibit evident traces of an attack by vermin.
    • Grains having an abnormal colour – Grains whose natural colour has been modified by bad weather conditions, contact with the grain, heat, and excessive respiration. These grains may be dull, shrivelled, swollen, puffed, or bloated in appearance.
    • Sprouted grains – Grains exhibiting obvious signs of sprouting.
    • Frost damaged grains – Grains which are damaged by frost and may appear bleached or blistered and the seed coat may be peeling. Germs may appear dead or discoloured.
  • Broken kernels Sorghum and pieces of sorghum which pass through a 1.8 mm round-hole sieve.
  • Other grains Edible grains, whole or identifiable brokens, other than sorghum (i.e. legumes, pulses and other edible cereals).


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