176 Estimation of Sorghum Grain Endosperm Texture

Methods Type: Generic Methods
Key data
Number: 176
Analyte: Endosperm Texture
Matrix: Sorghum
Year of Approval: 2012
Scope: Applicable to whole grain sorghum
Principle: Sorghum grains are cut into halves longitudinally.

One half is viewed with the naked eye and the relative proportion of corneous endosperm to floury endosperm is determined by reference to a standard.
On the basis of the relative proportion of corneous to floury endosperm, grains are classified into: corneous, intermediate and floury.


Sorghum grain endosperm texture is defined in terms of the proportion of corneous (horny/glassy/vitreous/steely) endosperm relative to floury (mealy/chalky/opaque) endosperm in the grain. Grains with a high proportion of corneous endosperm tend to be more resistant to breakage during decortication (dehulling) and milling than grains with a high proportion of floury endosperm.
Resistance of the grain to breakage is often referred to as grain strength or hardness.
Sorghum grain endosperm texture is of importance as “hard” grains tend to yield proportionally more clean (uncontaminated with bran) endosperm of large particle size during milling operations than “soft” grains. “Hard” grains are also more resistant to insect and mould damage than “soft” grains.


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