184 Determination of the mixing quality of wheat flour doughs by high-speed mixing using the doughLAB

Methods Type: Generic Methods
Key data
Number: 184
Analyte: Mixing quality
Matrix: Wheat flour doughs
Year of Approval as Draft: 2016
Year of Approval as Regular Standard: 2019
Scope and field of application:
This standard specifies a method for determination of the mixing quality of wheat flour doughs using the Perten doughLAB. The method describes a procedure that mimics the high rate of addition of mechanical energy used in modern dough mixers integral in rapid-bake systems. The method is applicable to wheat flour, including, but not limited to, flours that are very strong or are difficult to develop.

Note 1: The doughLAB ring trial was conducted using both mixers (50 and 300 g) however only four participants delivered results from the 50 g mixer which was statistically insufficient to deduce accurate precision data according to international requirements for method validation. This data is available in the study report (Dang and Bason, 2013).


ICC Standard No. 110/1, Determination of moisture content of cereals and cereal products (practical method).

 ICC Standard No. 130, Sampling of milling products (semolina, flours, agglomerated flours and by-products).

 ISO 3696: 1987 Water for analytical laboratory use – Specification and test methods.


Dough quality measures include water absorption, dough development time, stability and other mixing characteristics, and are determined as specified in this international standard.

Dough quality parameters are defined as follows:

- Water absorption

The water absorption (WA) is the amount of water needed to achieve target peak torque of 6500 mNm (corrected to 14% moisture basis).

 - Dough development time

The dough development time (DDT) is the time taken for the dough to reach peak midline torque.

 - Stability

The stability is the difference between the time the top torque line arrives and departs from the midline peak torque value.

 - Softening at 5 minutes

The softening at 5 minutes is the difference in midline torque at DDT and 5 minutes after DDT.

 - Energy at peak

Energy at peak is the accumulated mechanical energy to peak torque.

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