192 Determining the Wet Gluten, Gluten Index and Dry Gluten of the Whole Wheat Meal and Wheat Flour Using Bastak Equipment (DRAFT 2023)


The method is applicable to wheat flour (from Triticum aestivum L., or club wheat, Triticum compactum Host.) and whole wheat meal, which have been produced by means of BASTAK[1] 4000 or 4500 model roller mills for the flour, and BASTAK 1900 model hammer mill for the meal.

This description specifies a method for the mechanical preparation of Wet Gluten and the determination of the Gluten Index as a measure of gluten quality and finally the determination of Dry Gluten as a measure of gluten quantity without bound water.



- ICC- Standard No.101/1, Sampling of Grains

- ICC-Standard No. 130/1, Sampling of Milling Products (semolina, flour, agglomerated flour and by-products)

- ICC-Standard No. 110/1, Determination of the moisture content of cereals and cereal products (practical method)



Wet Gluten in wheat flour and wheat meal is a visco-elastic substance made of gliadin and glutenin, which is obtained by following the specified method illustrated in this international standard.

The Gluten Index is a measure of gluten characteristics, which indicates whether the gluten is weak, normal or strong.

Dry Gluten gives information about gluten quantity without bound water.

Flour: wheat flour is the product prepared from grain of common wheat, Triticum aestivum L., or club wheat, Triticum compactum Host., or mixtures thereof, by grinding or milling processes in which the bran and germ are partly removed and the remainder is comminuted to a degree of fineness determined by the MP´s 4000 and 4500 roller mills (see Section 9).

Meal: whole wheat meal is the food prepared from fully mature, sound, ungerminated, whole kernels of common wheat, Triticum aestivum L., or club wheat, Triticum compactum Host., or mixtures thereof, by a grinding process in which the entire grain is comminuted to a degree of fineness determined by the MP 1900 hammer mill (see Section 9). In its preparation, coarse particles of the ground wheat kernel may be separated, reground and recombined with all of the material from which they were separated.


[1] All terms referring to the method provider BASTAK are hereinafter be referred to as "MP".