Last chance to register as Early Bird!

Join us at ICC19 and meet some of the renowned confirmed speakers:

  • Bruce Hamaker, Purdue University, USA
    "Fibre molecular structure and specificity of gut microbiota response"
  • Jacqus Le-Gouis, INRA, France
    Climate change and changes in agricultural practices influencing grain quality and characteristics
  • Stefano Renzetti, WUR, the Netherlands
    Harald Perten award-winning research: "Hydrogen bonding interactions as quantitative descriptors of food structuring mechanisms during cereal-based food processing"
  • Katharina Scherf, Leibnitz Institute, Germany
    Gluten Analysis - from the past to the future
  • Peter Shewry, Rothamsted Research
    Designing future wheat with improved quality and pest and disease resistance

Benefit from the Early Bird registration fee - ending, 15 January '19

Register online today!

Abstract submission is still possible until 1 February
Present your work to the international cereal community!
For your information: If you register with the Early Bird rate before receiving confirmation on your abstract within the payment deadline, the Early Bird fee will still apply 7 days after abstract approval.

Attention students!

As a special offer, there will be 5 - 10 free registrations for the best abstracts submitted by students to ICC19. Applicable are ICC student members. Not an ICC student member yet? Benefit from the ICC cereal network and sign up today at

Join our Silver Sponsor Brabender and reach leading experts in the fields of cereal science and technology. Attractive sponsoring and exhibition packages are offered. See all sponsorship opportunities

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