next HealthFerm webinar: Microbiology and technology of sourdough production

next HealthFerm webinar: Microbiology and technology of sourdough production

We invite you to the HealthFerm Webinar co-organised by the HealthGrainForum with our excellent speakers!

Microbiology and technology of sourdough production

November 6th, 2024 

2:00-3:30pm CET

• Christophe Courtin from KU Leuven: Introduction

• Luc de Vuyst from Vrije Universiteit Brussels: Microbial aspects of sourdough production

• Kati Katina from University of Helsinki: Technological and sensory aspects of sourdough production

• Valery Gutsal from Chr. Hansen: How do we use this knowledge in an industrial context

Jan de Vries, Communication Manager of the HealthGrain Forum, will moderate this webinar.

Register here

HealthFerm is a European research project investigating innovative pulse and cereal-based food fermentations together with the health effects and consumer perception of novel fermented foods. Fermented foods have gained a reputation for being beneficial to health. However, with the exception of yoghurt and other cultured dairy products, little concrete evidence exists for the actual health benefits of fermented foods. Therefore, the HealthFerm project performs several human intervention studies to better understand the interaction between food fermentation microbiomes, fermented grain-based foods and the human gut microbiome and how they support human health. A community-science approach plays a vital part in collecting diverse food fermentation microbiomes used to design innovative fermented plant-based foods with optimal health benefits.

This webinar is free and will be held in English. More detailed information about HealthFerm project is available here - Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.