8th International Whole Grain Summit, 31 March - 2 April 2025, Detmold, Germany

8th International Whole Grain Summit, 31 March - 2 April 2025, Detmold, Germany

The 8th International Whole Grain Summit intends to seek ideas and ways to translate the available scientific and technological knowledge into application, resulting into an increase in availability of affordable and acceptable whole grain products in a diversity of markets.

The 8th International Whole Grain Summit  serves as a forum for exchange and discussion on all key topics related to wholegrain. It invites key players along the entire value chain from business, science, public institutions and other stakeholders to discuss highly relevant topics around benefits, profitability, market relevance, availability, consumer acceptance, recipes, nutrition, sustainability and more to define future action points. The aim is to communicate the needs of individual stakeholder groups and transfer knowledge between them. From science to business to politics, multipliers of consumers and among each other in all variations. The summit will be organised as a highly interactive event, with a state-of-the-art block with impulse, overview presentations and best practice examples on the first day, moderated world cafe rounds on the following day, panel discussions and a concluding take home message. Poster presentations of the latest scientific findings will frame the programme as well as evening programmes, exhibition and product tastings.

Detmold the venue of WGS 2025 is a lovely city with a historical city center and several tiber-framed houses. Detmold is also home to our host, the German Association of Cereal Research (AGF), as well as to the Max Rubner Institute’s (MRI) Department of Safety and Quality of Cereals. The MRI as the federal government's research and advisory institution in the field of nutrition and food is the predecessor of the former Federal Research Center for Cereal Processing. It was starting point for numerous fundamental cereal research activities. The head of this first institute was also initiated the set-up of AGF in 1946 and was one of the founders of ICC in 1955. Detmold is located only 3 ½ hours by train from the German capital Berlin. The organizers will inform soon about possibilities for the best arrival to Detmold and our concept of shuttle services. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in case you will arrange your travel package already now.

We invite you to join us as we take an important step towards making Whole Grain an Easy Choice for everyone in our global world.  More information will be available on the conference page soon. You can also follow the information on LinkedIn.

Venue: AGF, Schützenberg 10, 32756 Detmold, Germany