106/2 Working Method for the Determination of Wet Gluten in Wheat Flour

Methods Type: Generic Methods
Key data
Number: 106/2
Analyte: Wet Gluten
Matrix: Wheat Flour
Year of Approval: 1960
Year of Last Revision: 1984
Scope: This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of wet gluten in wheat flour.

This method is applicable to different wheat flours (commercial and experimental flours) but not to the coarse whole meal of wheats.

Principle: Preparation of dough from a sample of flour and a buffered solution of sodium chloride. Isolation of the wet gluten by washing this dough with a solution of sodium chloride, drying and weighing of the residue.


Wet gluten in wheat flour: A plastic-elastic substance, consisting of gliadin and glutenin, obtained by the method specified in this International Standard.


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