ICC Season's Greetings and new postal address

ICC Season's Greetings and new postal address

Dear all, dear Member of the ICC Family!

It is now the time to look back at the past year - appreciating all the moments experienced and the milestones that have been achieved - and look forward to the New Year and the new ventures it will bring! 

With continuation of established as well as creation of new activities, we look forward to pursuing the development of links within the worldwide cereals and grains community. We sincerely thank all people involved and look forward to future collaboration.

From all of us at the ICC Headquarters to all of the ICC Family around the globe we wish you and yours a Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous 2020!


Michela Pichler
ICC Secretary General | CEO

Please note that the ICC Headquarters office has a new postal address: 

Stubenring 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Telephone numbers and email addresses remain the same.