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Active ICC Academy Fellows:

Ke Bian

Ke Bian is Professor at the Henan University of Technology, China since 1998.
He was engaged in several professional organisations as well as Chinese Journals over the past years.

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Charles Brennan

Professor Charles Brennan is the Dean of Science at RMIT University Melbourne Australia. He is also a chair Professor at South China University of Technology. He is the editor in chief to the International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, as well as the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. He has an extensive expertise in the manipulation of food structure - function -human nutrition.

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Fred Brouns

Prof Dr. Fred Brouns obtained a PhD at Maastricht University in the Netherlands for his research “Food and Fluid Related Aspects in Highly Trained athletes”. For this he was awarded the Dutch Sports Medicine Award. Fred has >35 years experience in the field of nutrition sciences and health.


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Vyacheslav Aronovich Butkovsky

Vyacheslav A. Butkovsky is President of the International Industrial Academy, ICC Academy Fellow, Professor and honored worker of the food industry of the Russian Federation. More than 50 years of experience in the sphere of additional professional education, constantly heading the Institute for Advanced Training of leaders and specialists of the bakery product system, transformed in 1992 into the Institute of Processing Industry, and in 2001 – into the International Industrial Academy (IIA).

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Marina Carcea

Dr. Marina Carcea is a Senior Scientist and Vice-Director of the Research Centre for Food and Nutrition of the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) in Rome, Italy, a leading research institution under the aegis of the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, where she is also a Scientific Advisor.

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Stanley Cauvain

An Honorary President and holder of a Friedrich Schweitzer medal (2004), Stan was the recipient of the UK British Baker Special Award (1998 and an Eberhard Paech award from the German Technical Baking Industry (2010). He was an Adjunct Professor of the International Institute of Agri-Food Security, Curtin University, Perth, WA (2015-2018) and was elected as a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Bakers (London) in 2019.

Stan spent many years leading multi-faceted research teams at Chorleywood and from 1994-2004 he was Director of the Cereals and Cereal Processing Division within the Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association. He co-founded the international baking consultancy BakeTran in 2005.

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Christophe Courtin

Christophe Courtin is full professor of Food Biochemistry at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry at KU Leuven, Belgium.


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Robert (Bob) Cracknell

Bob Cracknell is a consultant with over 50 years of experience in the wheat industry, mainly in senior management and technical roles with AWB limited, formerly the Australian Wheat Board. He retired from AWB Limited in 2003 and established his own consultancy, Crackers Consulting.

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Vladimir Dashevsky

Vladimir Dashevsky is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, author of more than 150 published works, including Englisch-Russian (five editions) and German-Russian (three editions) Dictionaries of the food industry. He also participated in the drafting and preparation of the publication   “Dictionary of  Cereal Processing  and Cereal Chemistry”, 1982 (Russian party) . On his initiative and with direct participation in Moscow, more than 350 international forums, conferences, symposia and seminars were held at the International Industrial Academy.

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Jan A. Delcour

Jan Delcour received his B.S., M.S. and PhD degrees from KU Leuven (www.kuleuven.be) in Leuven, Belgium. As a NATO research fellow at Kansas State University under the supervision of Dr. R. Carl Hoseney, he was introduced to cereal science and technology, a research area he subsequently developed at the KU Leuven. He is currently a full professor at the same University, where he teaches food chemistry and cereal science and technology courses.

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Jan de Vries

With more than 16 years of experience in the Research & Development of the food industry, respectively in the Dairy Industry (Friesland Coberco from 1994-2006) and the Bakery Ingredient Supplies Industry (CSM from 2006-2010), Jan de Vries now works as consultant to help in the application of Nutrition Sciences in food innovation.

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Floyd E. Dowell

Floyd Dowell was Research Agricultural Engineer, Collaborator at USDA ARS Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, Manhattan, KS, USA. He is President of Planting Hope International, Manhattan, KS, USA. Floyd is Adjunct Professor at the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department of the Kansas State University.



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Pierre Feillet

Pierre Feillet, an agricultural engineer, PhD, is Emeritus Director of Research at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (retired in 1999), where he was head of department and acting Director General.

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Alessandra Fratianni

Alessandra Fratianni has a university degree in Food Science and Technology from University of Molise, Italy. She has a PhD in Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition. Since 2019 Alessandra is Senior Researcher at University of Molise, Sector Food Science and Technology.
Further, Alessandra Fratianni is ICC Technical Co-Director.


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Bin Xiao Fu

Dr. Fu is a research scientist and the Program Manager for Bread Wheat and Durum Research at the Grain Research Laboratory of the Canadian Grain Commission. The overall goal of his program is to provide scientific support for the Canadian bread wheat and durum quality assurance system.

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Pierre Gélinas

Pierre Gélinas, Ph.D, is a research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec. With his team, he tries to better understand the properties and global quality of flours, breads, and other cereal foods.

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Helmut Glattes

Hon. Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Glattes, was Secretary General/CEO of ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology) from 1978 - 2003. At present Dr. Glattes is Honorary President of ICC-Austria, Member of ISEKI-Academy (IA), Fellow of AACCI.

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Rachel Hsu

Rachel Hsu was awarded a Master degree of Science in Food Science at Rutgers University, NJ, USA and a PhD degree in Graduate Institute of Food Science at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. She is now chief of Technique Service Section of CGPRDI (China Grain Products Research & Development Institute).

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Marta S. Izydorczyk

Dr. Marta S. Izydorczyk, Program Manager, Milling & Malting / Research on Barley and other Grains, Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission, Canada


Dr Izydorczyk is the author of more than 100 reviewed papers mainly in the field of cereal science and technology, she also co-authored more than 10 book chapters published in international books.

In addition to research, Dr Izydorczyk offers services to many professional organizations and committees: she has chaired the Barley Quality Evaluation Team for the Prairie Recommending Committee for Oat and Barley, served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre, and as a scientific advisor for the Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute. Currently she is the chair of the Prairie Recommending Committee for Oat and Barley. Dr Izydorczyk co-organized the 2006 International Plant Polysaccharide Workshop, in Winnipeg, Canada, and co-organized a joint conference of the 5th Canadian Barley Symposium and the District of Western Canada Master Brewers Association of the Americas in 2007 in Winnipeg. She was a member of the Scientific Committee of the 6th International Dietary Fibre Conference 2015 in Paris, France. She chaired the Scientific Committee of the 8th Canadian Barley Symposium and 22nd North American Barley Researchers Workshop in 2017 in Winnipeg, Canada. She served as a President of the Cereals and Grains Association from 2020 to 2021.

The committee unanimously approved awarding her the ICC Academy Fellowship.

Peter Koehler

Peter Koehler is professor for Food Chemistry at Technische Universität München. Currently, he is chairman of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity.

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Alfred Mar

Education: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 10/1969 - 11/1975, M.Sc. / Engi­neer's degree in food & biotechnology (Dipl.Ing.)

Present position: Since 1990 Lecturer for Cereal and Baking Technology and since 2020 member in an academic research-team (“Klimatech” – drought-resistant alternative grains) on the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; since 2009 President of the International Association for Cereal Sciences and Technology (ICC) – country member Austria.

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Emanuele Marconi

Prof. Emanuele Marconi, Director of CREA Research Centre for Food and Nutrition (Rome), Italy


Prof. Marconi is the author of more than 100 reviewed papers mainly in the field of cereal science and technology. He has also co-authored 4 book chapters on pasta/durum wheat published in international books. He received around 4000 citations for these publications, his h-index is around 40.

He is a founding member of AISTEC, the Italian Association of Cereal Science and Technology. He is the Head of the Excellence Centre for the Research and Innovation in Pasta and Processed Cereals (CERERE) in Italy, he was President of the AISTEC from 2018 to 2022 and of SISTAL - Italian Society of Food Science and Technology- from 2009 to 2012;

He has collaborated with the most important cereal industries such as Barilla, Casillo, De Cecco, La Molisana, and Buhler, focusing on the development of products with high nutritional value and on the optimization of pasta drying processes.

As the President of AISTEC (National member of ICC) in Italy he has always promoted ICC activities and initiatives in Italy, thus contributing to overall success of ICC worldwide.

The committee unanimously approved awarding him the ICC Academy Fellowship.

Finlay MacRitchie

Finlay MacRitchie’s career has involved two main stages, first as a research scientist in the Australian government’s premier research organization, the CSIRO, and second as an educator and mentor for students at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. His research has focused on two main areas, colloid and interface science, specializing in proteins at interfaces, and the science of cereals and grains, aimed at relating cereal components to end-use quality of their products.

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Barry McCleary
Barry McCleary is founder, owner and CEO of Megazyme. He received his PhD and DSc degrees from the University of Sydney, at which he is an Adjunct Professor.


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Sam Millar
Sam Millar is the Director of Quality for Warburtons Ltd, responsible for product and packaging quality, food safety and regulatory compliance.  Prior to joining Warburtons Ltd, he was the Director of Technology at Campden BRI where he led a team delivering technical leadership and support to the global food and drink industries.


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Julie Miller Jones
Julie Jones, a Certified Nutrition Scientist and Certified Food Scientist, is currently a professor emerita from St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN. She received her BS from Iowa State University (ISU) and her PhD from the University of Minnesota. 

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Perry K.W. Ng
Dr. Perry K.W. Ng is Professor of Cereal Science and Associate Chairperson for the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University, USA, and Program Director for Food Science at the newly established Michigan State University-Nanjing Agricultural University Joint Institute.

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Maria Papageorgiou

Maria Papageorgioiu is currently Professor of Cereal Chemistry and Technology, and Head of Engineering Processes and Food Technologies Division at the International Hellenic University (IHU), Department of Food Science and Technology in Thessaloniki, Greece. (http://www.food.teithe.gr/)

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Roberto Javier Peña
Roberto Peña joined the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) as Post-Doctoral Fellow in 1984 and became Head of Wheat Quality in 1993, and Principal Scientist in 2002. He was international consultant in wheat quality since 2013. Roberto retired from CIMMYT to initiate activities in 2014 as International consultant in Cereal Chemist, with main emphasis in wheat.


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Ritva Repo-Carrasco

Ritva Repo-Carrasco has a PhD in Food Chemistry and MSc in Agriculture and Forestry. Ritva is a specialist in Andean crops. She is senior lecturer of courses for food chemistry, analysis of food, cereal technology, nutrition at the National Agrarian University of Lima (UNALM) in Lima, Peru. Her current research fields:  Andean indigenous food crops: quinoa, kañiwa, kiwicha, tarwi, maca, native potatoes, native fruits.


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Cristina M. Rosell

Cristina Rosell is Professor and Head, Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Dr. Rosell's research focuses on design and development of innovative foods based on grains.


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Luc Saulnier

Luc Saulnier is research senior scientist at INRAE and assistant-director of BIA research unit located at Nantes INRAE research centre in France. He received a PhD degree from Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France) in 1987. His research activity is mainly focused on cell wall polysaccharides especially in cereal grains in relation with their functional properties in food technology and nutritional impact in animal and human. He is author of more than 130 original peer-reviewed international publications.


Key words: Dietary fibre, cell wall polysaccharides, cell wall degrading enzymes, bread making, wheat grain quality

Regine Schönlechner

Regine Schönlechner is Associate Professor for Technology of Plant Foods at the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria. She has an educational background in nutritional science and food technology. Her research focus is on cereal, pseudocereal and gluten-free food processing.

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Peter Robert Shewry

Peter Shewry is currently a project leader at Rothamsted Research and Emeritus Professor at the University of Reading. He leads a research programme on the development, structure and composition of wheat grain focusing on improving the quality for human health, focusing on the content and composition of dietary fibre, phenolic acids and mineral micronutrients.

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Senay Simsek

Senay Simsek is Professor and Head of the Department of Food Science at the Purdue University, West Lafayette, US.


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Nesli Sözer

Nesli Sözer is currently Research Professor (Smart and sustainable food production) at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT), she has expertise in food ingredient and agile processing technologies special focus on plant matrices.

Peter Streicher Steyn

Peter Steyn was Consultant to the Maize Trust, Pretoria from 2009 - 2018, and Consultant to InnovUS, the Office of Technology Transfer of SU from 2009- 2019.
Further Peter was ICC President from 1992 - 1994, also he was Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the ICC International Symposium – Cereal Science and Technology: Impact on a Changing Africa, Pretoria, May 1992.

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John R.N. Taylor

John Taylor is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Consumer and Food Sciences of the University of Pretoria, South Africa https://www.up.ac.za/

He is an Honorary President and Past president of the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology and Fellow of the ICC Academy, the Cereal and Grains Association and the International Academy of Food Science and Technology, and a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa.

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Jan Willem van der Kamp
After his chemistry study and positions  in food research and product development in Unilever, Jan Willem van der Kamp joined in 1985 TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research as director of cereal research. In his position as Senior Officer International Projects at TNO he was and is involved in a wide range of EU- and other international projects and in conferences,  focusing on cereal science [HEALTHGRAIN (2005-2010) and HealthBread (2012-2014), as coordinator], dietary fibre and the gut microbiome [ MyNewGut  (2013-2018)].

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Phil Williams
Phil Williams was born on May 26th, 1933. He finished his Ph.D. work at Aberystwyth in 1957, and gained his Ph.D. in 1958.

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Fengcheng Wang
Dr. Fengcheng Wang is a professor in cereal science and technology at Henan University of Technology, and serves as director of the National Engineering Technology Research Center for Grain Processing Equipment, China.

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ICC is an established international association and unique platform connecting cereal scientists and technologists around the world. We are committed to international cooperation through the dissemination of knowledge, conducting research, and developing standard methods.

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What ICC means to its members

Portrait Christophe Courtin

With its worldwide reach, ICC is able to provide a unique global perspective to the cereal science and technology community. This is very visible through the various scientific conferences held in the different parts of the world. Also the recognition of people in all continents through the various awards fostered by ICC speaks to this.

Prof. Dr. Christophe Courtin
Portrait John R.N. Taylor

To me, what makes ICC so special is that it actively brings cereal science and technology to the four corners of the world. It is a very moving experience to see the reaction of a person in a developing country when they have the opportunity to meet and talk with the world’s leading cereal scientists who have come to share lifetime of expertise.

Prof. Dr. John R.N. Taylor
South Africa

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