MyNewGut Final Conference

Microbiome Influence on Energy balance and Brain Development-Fundtion Put into Action to Tackle Diet-related Diseases and Behaviour

EUFIC, together with all partners of the MyNewGut project, is organizing a final conference to present the results of this five-year EU funded project and provide an input on how the human gut microbiota and its genome (microbiome) influence obesity, behavioural – and lifestyle-related disorders.

The MyNewGut project – which falls under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme, - brings together 30 partners from 15 different countries and aims to identify specific dietary strategies to improve the long-term health of the population.

Why is it relevant for research and innovation?

Emerging evidence indicates that the gut microbiome contributes to our ability to extract energy from the diet and influences development and function of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, which regulate balance and behavior. This has lead to hypothesize that developing microbiome-based dietary interventions can be cost-effective measures to prevent diet-related and behavioural disorders.

The conference will take place on 18 October 2018 at Stanhope Hotel, Rue de Commerce 9, B-1000 Brussels at 9 and will open with a session chaired by Isabelle de Froidmont-Görtz from DG research & Innovation of the European Commission.

Find more information at

Shape the future of ICC and nominate a candidate for ICC President Elect 2019-2020

According to ICC regulation, every other year ICC elects a new President Elect who will become the new ICC President after his/her two years term as President Elect. It is one of the rights of ICC Country Member organisations (in good financial standing) to propose a suitable candidate for this function.

Country Member organisations can support in nominating potential candidates for the ICC President Elect 2019 - 2020 - nominations should be made by 28 September 2018.

The ICC Presidents for the period 2019-2020 will be Dr. Charles Brennan, New Zealand (President), and Prof. Hamit Köksel, Turkey (Past President).

All suggestions will be collected and presented to the General Assembly for electronic voting approx. mid of October.

Further information and tasks can be found in the ICC Statutes, available in the member area on the ICC website (in the folder "members info"). If you are not yet a registered user, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Shape the future of ICC and the international cereals community in this prestigous function!

We look forward to receiving your nominations for the ICC President Elect 2019 - 2020 and thank you for your active involvement in important ICC decisions.

TW18 - Grains for Wellbeing - submit your abstract and register now!

The ICC International Conference “Grains for Wellbeing” in Chinese Taipei will cover a wide scope of scientific topics – plenary and keynote speeches, technical oral and poster reports will be included to thoroughly discuss:  

  • Breeding and Agronomy
  • Development of rice-based, rice-based products and products from specialty grains and pulses
  • Bioactive components of grains
  • Structure and Functions
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Micronutrients and phytochemicals in grain products
  • Authenticity and Safety
  • Communication and regulatory issues

This 2-day symposium is dedicated to food scientists, dieticians, nutrition researchers, regulatory agency, processers, market channels and interested consumers, to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the grain industry.

Student registration is also now possible!

Submit your abstract and register today under:

EU Whole Grain Public-Private Partnership Meeting

On behalf of Healthgrain Forum, the European Cancer Leagues and the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology, we would like to warmly invite you to join our Forum on the establishment of a European Whole Grain Public-Private Partnership, inspired by the successful Danish Fuldkorn Partnership model. The Forum will take place from 08:30-14:00 on June 27, 2018 at BIP, Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

The Forum will be moderated by Sue Saville, a highly-experienced TV news journalist, with participation from public health authorities, industry and civil society to find common solutions to stimulate greater whole grain consumption in Europe.

Despite broad acknowledgement of its positive health benefits, whole grain consumption in Europe remains concerningly low. This is confirmed by The Global Burden of Disease study, which showed that a diet low in whole grain resulted in almost 270,000 avoidable deaths in 2016. Furthermore, the lack of a universally accepted whole grain definition and EU recommendations for daily whole grain intake prevent clear product labelling to help consumers identify whole grain products.

This interactive Forum will provide a platform for positive collaboration and dialogue in a climate of increasing chronic disease and demonization of “unhealthy nutrients”, and will explore the following issues: 

  • why we are still failing to consume adequate levels of whole grain in Europe;
  • what we can do to encourage more people to enjoy more whole grain in Europe;
  • routes to realise an EU partnership on whole grain in Europe;

We would be delighted if you could join us on this important journey to secure whole grain as a public health priority, and to create an enabling environment for consumers to choose whole grain first.

Agenda is available here.

Please register your attendance here.

Thanks to all participants of the 7th International Dietary Fibre Conference 2018

DF18 in a nutshell: 268 participants, 34 countries, 9 sessions, 49 oral presenations, 86 poster presentations.

The 7th International Dietary Fibre Conference kicked off with opening keynote talks by Louise Dye on increasing dietary consumption, Karen Madsen on the role of fibre in modulating gut permeability and immune health as well as Natalie Delzenne on gut microbiology related recommendations and Susan Tosh on diet diversity. The high participation of dietary fibre experts from around the globe shows the high relevance of dietary fibre in industry and health! A plenary discussion on dietary fibre labelling, a very lively poster exhibition followed by a networking welcome reception sponsored by CCC and TiFN rounded off the first day of DF18! 

Two sponsored best poster awards were granted to young scientists at DF18. Congratulations to the proud winners:

Madis Jaagura from the Tallinn University of Technology - poster titled "Short-term high-fat low-calorie diet reduced inflammation associated bacteria in fecal microbiota of overweight adults" - 500 euro award sponsored by The International Journal of Molecular Science

Victor Castro-Alves from the University of São Paulo - poster titled "Chayote fruit polysaccharides enhance lipid efflux and regulate nlrp3 inflammasome in macrophage-like cells exposed to cholesterol crystals" - with the focus on nutrition and health the 500 euro award was sponsored by Ingredion. 

The plenary room was full till the very end and participants benefited from various rounds of discussion such as with Paula Trumbo from FDA and discussion on labelling. The final panel discussion concluded this event and some hot topics were: how to communicate better the health benefits of dietary fibres?; How can "fake news" on carbs be countered? Should there be a higher recommendation on dietary fibre intake - should it be 50g/day? Dietary fibre will remain a hot topic and we look forward to continued discussion at the next Dietary Fibre conference in 2021!

Thanks to all participants, sponsors and endorsers for making DF18 the great event it was!