Building consensus on a Global Definition of Whole Grain as Food Ingredient

During the 6th International Whole Grain Summit (Vienna, 13-15 November 2017) it was concluded that harmonized global definitions of a whole grain ingredient and a whole grain food are needed to provide clarity to consumers, to provide a uniform basis for dietary recommendations and for nutrition and health research, and to serve as a level platform for industry. The overall goal is to increase worldwide consumption of whole grains. The International Working Group (comprised of world-wide members from academia, government agencies, non-government organizations), and the private-sector evaluated existing definitions including Healthgrain and AACCI definitions and considered a wide range of member input from Working Group discussions.

Below is the definition and a link to an appendix to provide further background information and clarifications. The definition is in its final stages of evaluation, member feedback is now being asked and the ICC Technical Committee will be reviewing for final determination. Thank you to everyone who provid feedback!   

Global Whole Grain Ingredient Definition

Whole grains shall consist of the intact, ground, cracked, flaked or otherwise processed kernel after the removal of inedible parts such as the hull and husk. All anatomical components, including the endosperm, germ, and bran must be present in the same relative proportions as in the intact kernel.¹

  1. This definition applies to cereal grains in the Poaceae family, and pseudo-cereals listed in Annex 1, that are used for human consumption.
  2. Processing of cereals and their fractions includes dry and wet methods which should be executed according to good manufacturing principles and considers the following points:

    2a. A batch of grain consisting of one or more varieties or classes of a single species may be temporarily separated into fractions and considered whole grain if the fractions are recombined in the original proportions.

    2b.  Grain fractions from one or more varieties or classes of a single species that originated from different batches and combined to reflect the original proportions are considered whole grain.

    2c.  Small, generally unavoidable losses of components, that occur through processing consistent with safety and quality standards are allowed.

    2d.  Fermented, malted or sprouted grains containing all the original bran, germ and endosperm shall be considered whole grains as long as nutrient values have not diminished; for malted or sprouted grains the length of the sprout should not exceed kernel length. 

¹ The use of the term wholemeal may be legally protected in some jurisdictions and may be equivalent to whole grain. The use of this term should be checked within local contexts.



Pseudo-cereals used for human consumption considered as grains



     Buckwheat, Tartary buckwheat



 Additional remarks can be found here.

IV International Conference "The Quality of Grain, Flour and Bread" - registration now possible!

ICC is pleased to announce the IV International Conference "The Quality of Grain, Flour and Bread" will will be organised by the International Industrial Academy in collaboration with ICC.

The conference is taking place on November 25 to 27, 2019 in Moscow, Russia and aims at presenting latest research and practical implementation of the following topics:

  • The quality of grain in different countries of the world
  • Breeding and seed production: The current state and future development
  • Innovative technologies and equipment for post-harvest processing and storage of grain, equipment for the production
    of flour, cereals and bread
  • Current issues of technical regulation and standardization
  • Safety of grain, products of its processing and bakery products
  • The role of cereal products in healthy nutrition
  • Training of industry experts and professional development

This networking event will include:

  • Plenary sessions
  • Symposium of International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC)
  • Thematic focus sessions:
     - Fighting the loss of grain resources - a global trend
     - Innovative technologies to ensure the quality of grain, flour and bread
     - Modern methods and devices for grain, flour and bread quality and safety control
  • International review of Flour and Bread quality
  • Exhibition of equipment for grain, flour and bread quality control
  • Exhibition of products of enterprises participating in the Flour and Bread Quality Review
  • Exhibition and sale of scientific and technical literature
  • Cultural program

The conference aims at heads and representatives of national and international unions and associations, specialists of large grain companies, mills and bakeries, scientists specializing in the production and storage of grain, technology and quality of processed products of grain, bread and other bakery products, equipment and instrument manufacturers, industry journalists not only from Russia but all countries.

For any further details (e.g. on abstract submission), please contact Dr. Larisa Ustinova or check out the conference webpage

To showcase your products and/activities please choose one of the attractive sponsor package!

Online registration is already possible:
Russian participants - please click HERE
International participant - please click HERE.

Note that ICC Members will be granted a 10% disount!  To get your discount code, please contact the ICC Headquarters.


2nd Asia-Pacific Grains Conference - Save the date!

We are happy to announce the 2nd ICC Asia Pacific Grains Conference which will be held in Tianjin, Xinmao Tiancai Hotel from 7 - 9 November 2019.

The theme of the conference is “Food Technology and Innovation: From Asia Pacific to the World” and will be hosted by the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) and Tianjin University of Commerce (TJCU). More than 200 experts and scholars from all over the world will attend the conference, which is of great significance to promote the innovation and sustainable development of the grain industry.

The main topics of this meeting will include

  • Grain Processing
  • Grain Storage and Safety
  • Grain Nutrition
  • Whole Grain Foods and Health
  • Oil Technology
  • Legume and Potato Foods Development

Abstract submission will open soon - stay tuned!

Registration is now open - register online today!


Find all further details about the event at the APGC website!

GF19 - Regular registration ending soon!


Final Programme is available - VIEW IT ONLINE

GF19 is entitled “Building Products by Knowledge” and will offer a multidisciplinary perspective on present challenges associated with science-based innovation and designing satisfying, gluten-free products. This meeting will deal with the current issues, trends and perspectives, with a focus on: (i) gluten-free raw materials, (II) starch and protein ingredients and (iii) the newest solutions for different products, including bakery products and beer.

Keynote talks are:

"Gluten-free science and market developments: beliefs, facts and future directions" - Fred Brouns
"The clinical spectrum of gluten-related disorders" - Tim Vanuytsel
"Advances in gluten-free cereal research" - Elke Arendt
"Nutritional, functional and sensory properties of glutenfree raw materials" - Katharina Scherf
"Making gluten-free bread is more than mixing healthy ingredients" -  Cristina Rosell

Regular online registration is only open until 14 June. Take the chance to interact and strengthen your gluten-free network - sign up today!

Thanks to our sponsors: Beneo, R-Biopharm, Böcker, Romerlabs, Journal of Cereal Science, Nestlé
GF19 - Final programme now available


GF19 - “Building Products by Knowledge” will provide added value for scientists and representatives of industry and academia from the international scene and will bring together experts active in different areas of gluten-free research. Focussed oral and poster presentations will offer a multidisciplinary perspective on present challenges associated with science-based innovation and designing satisfying, gluten-free products.

A selection of the talks are:

"Gluten Free Science and Market Developments: Beliefs, Facts and Future Directions"
 "Solving the gluten free oat dilemma"
"Effects of malted ingredients on gluten-free bread quality"
"The AOECS and the European licensing system"
"Kebari® barley: moving beyond beer"
"Nutritional, functional and sensory properties of gluten-free raw materials"
“Malting process to improve the amino acid profile in buckwheat seeds.”

Regular online registration is open till 14 June. Take the chance to interact and strengthen your gluten-free network - sign up today!

Thanks to our sponsors: Beneo, R-Biopharm, Böcker, Romerlabs, Journal of Cereal Science, Nestlé