ICC Delegates participated at the 43rd CCMAS Codex Committee Meeting in Budapest

Two delegates from the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC), Dr. Valentina Narducci, the ICC Technical Director, and Dr. Markus Lacorn, a member of the ICC Technical Committee and a Corporate Member (R-Biopharm), attended the 43rd meeting of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS 43) in Budapest from May 13-18, 2024. The meeting was preceded by an Inter-Agency Meeting (IAM) on May 12, which brought together standards development organizations (SDOs) associated with CCMAS.

Key Outcomes and Discussions

  1. ICC Methods Included in Codex List: The meeting saw the inclusion of ICC methods in the Codex list of recommended methods of analysis and sampling (CXS234). This is a significant milestone in the ICC's efforts to promote international standards in cereal science and technology.
  2. Guideline for Particle Size Distribution: The ICC Recommendation 207 was endorsed as a guideline for measuring particle size distribution of edible cassava flour and gari. However, it was noted that the recommendation will need to be revised this year to include the possibility of using sieves with mesh sizes relevant for these commodities.
  3. Incineration Temperature Discussion: The meeting discussed the incineration temperature for various commodities. While several arguments were considered, the question remains open. The Codex Commission will be asked for guidance on whether CCMAS can receive assistance in determining the original intent for ashing temperatures in cereals, pulses, and legumes standards. If not, two provisions for ash at 550 °C and 900 °C for some commodities could be acceptable to allow CCMAS to endorse recommended methods.
  4. Methods of Analysis for Precautionary Allergen Labelling: The CCMAS was asked by the Codex Commission to prepare a discussion paper on methods of analysis for precautionary allergen labelling to support the work of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL). The ICC contributed to the discussion by commenting on the first draft document, and the discussion will continue until consensus on a final document is reached.
  5. Strengthening Collaboration: The meeting provided an opportunity for friendly discussions with representatives of other SDOs, and the ICC was invited to strengthen its collaboration on issues of common interest.

Overall, the meeting was fruitful, with the ICC contributing to discussions and strengthening its relationships with other SDOs.

ICBC24: Celebrating Best Poster and Best Speaker Awardees

Within the ICBC24, we celebrated Awards of the Best Posters sponsored by Journal of Cereal Science, the Official Journal of ICC and the best young speakers sponsored by Foods and Oniris. Celeste Verbeke and Enni Mannila received the Best Poster Award, while Silvia Cera, Shpresa Musa, Muhammad Yahya, and Alejandra Paola Velásquez Barillas were recognized as the Best Speaker Awardees.

We extend our warmest congratulations to all awardees and wish them continued success in their contributions to cereal science. Thank you for showing your outstanding work at the ICBC24!

ICC Academy Fellowships and Friedrich Schweitzer Medal 2024

The ICC has announced the recipients of its prestigious ICC Academy Fellowships and the Friedrich Schweitzer Medal at the ICBC24.

Dr. Luc Saulnier, Dr. Marta S. Izydorczyk, and Prof. Emanuele Maconi were awarded the ICC Academy Fellowships in recognition of their outstanding contributions to cereal science and technology. The Friedrich Schweitzer Medal, which honors the legacy of one of the ICC's founding figures, was presented to Prof. Peter Shewry and Dr. Valentina Narducci, the current ICC Technical Director.

-Dr. Valentina Narducci was recognized for her exceptional work in cereal and analytical assessments. With over 16 years of experience in cereal research and analytical assessment, Narducci has dedicated her career to this field.

-Prof. Peter Shewry, a renowned cereal scientist, was awarded the Friedrich Schweitzer Medal for his extensive research program at Rothamsted Research and the University of Reading, focusing on improving wheat grain quality for human health. Shewry has authored over 500 peer-reviewed papers and edited around 20 books, making a significant impact on the cereal science community.

The ICC Academy Fellowships were awarded to Dr. Luc Saulnier, a senior research scientist at the Nantes INRAE research center, specializing in cell wall polysaccharides in cereal grains and their techno-functional properties; DrMarta S. Izydorczyk, a research scientist and program manager at the Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission, focusing on the functionality and performance of barley and other grains during processing; and Prof. Emanuele Marconi, the Director of CREA Research Centre for Food and Nutrition in Rome, a prominent figure in cereal science and technology with over 100 peer-reviewed papers.

The awards recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions of these individuals to the field of cereal science and technology, and their dedication to advancing the ICC's mission of promoting research, education, and standardization in the industry.

Harald Perten Prize 2024 Awardees

We're proud to present our 2024 Harald Perten Prize winners: Prof. Bruce Hamaker and Prof. Sergio Serna-Saldivar ✨ The awards have been presented to both awardees at the ICBC24 with honorary speeches from the long-lasting scientific companions Jan-Willem van der Kamp and John Taylor.  They have been handed over by ICC President Bertrand Matthäus, ICC Secretary General Veronika Haslinger and ICBC24 Scientific Chair and Host Luc Saulnier.

🏆 Prof. Bruce Hamaker, who has gained international recognition, is celebrated for his multidisciplinary approach across biology, human nutrition, and food science. He published 322 papers, 21 book chapters is holder of many patents and supervised more than 100 post-graduate and doctoral students. His groundbreaking work focuses on understanding carbohydrate structures and their impact on health, leading to healthier processed foods globally. Bruce Hamaker's work on "precision prebiotics" has shown potential for treating conditions like Parkinson's disease by selectively feeding specific gut microbes. He is a pioneering researcher on fashioning carbohydrates to digest slowly and distally in the gut, improving the viscoelastic properties of corn and sorghum proteins for food products, and providing breakthrough insights on the alignment of dietary fiber structures with beneficial gut bacteria. 

🏆 Prof. Sergio Serna-Saldivar, an globally recognized expert in maize processing, especially in tortilla and taco production, has reshaped our understanding of starch functionality. Prof. Serna-Saldivar has contributed to the improvement of food nutrition and accessibility, particularly in developing regions. Beyond baked goods, his research addresses global nutrition challenges, providing novel solutions to combat malnutrition. His work in the field of cereal science and technology has been recognized with numerous awards, including Mexico's National Science Award, the country's highest honor in science. He is author of 300 scientific papers, holder of 12 patent and intellectual property rights and he has supervised some 100 Masters and Doctoral student graduates His research has had a profound impact on the tortilla industry worldwide.

The Harald Perten Prize, with its chair of the Harald Perten Foundation, Jaan Perten, aims to honor exceptional work in the areas of starch, gluten, and enzymes, with a focus on practical applications. It is presented every 2 years in connection with the ICC Conferences, and to date, 33 recipients have been awarded this prestigious prize.

Both Hamaker and Serna-Saldivar have made significant contributions to cereal science and technology, and their work has had a profound impact on the industry. Congratulations to these well-deserving recipients!

Congratulations to Professor Bruce Hamaker and Professor Sergio Serna-Saldivar on their well-deserved honor!

ICC International Conference: Grains For One Health, 25-28 November 2024, Taipei

The next ICC International Conference will be the „Grains for One Health“ (GFOH) Conference in Taipei from Nov 25-28 November 2024. It focuses on the integral role of grains in promoting One Health, aligning with WHO's approach to harmonize human, animal, and environmental well-being through the supply chain of grains. This event will delve into key topics such as Agriculture Net-Zero, Whole Grain benefits, Functional Components, Health and Nutrition aspects, Innovative Processing techniques, and Safety and Traceability measures through plenary speeches, keynote addresses, and technical presentations.

Attendees including agronomists, food scientists, nutritionists, government officials, and consumers are encouraged to participate in discussions on the current and future implications of One Health in the context of grains, with a special opportunity to explore Taipei's cultural and culinary offerings during the pleasant November season.