TNO Symposium: Optimising food and fibre composition for enhancing health | Highlights and Perspectives


This symposium (20 September 2023, Leiden, Netherlands) was organized as a farewell symposium for Jan-Willem van der Kamp, who has been active in the areas of dietary fibre and whole grain  for decades. It revealed new insights, tools and perspectives for major innovations in topics ranging from personalized nutrition, combating diseases, reformulation of products (more fibre, less sugars and fats) whilst maintaining product attractiveness and improving public health, especially of low-income consumers. Highlights and perspectives are outlined below.  Detailed results, references, contact details of speakers can be found in the presentations and the Symposium programme. For further information you may also contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Precision prebiotics - dietary fibres with consistent predicted microbiome response

Many  prebiotic fibres are fermented by a large number of gut bacteria, resulting in major differences in bacterial responses depending on the microbiome composition of individuals. Keynote speaker Professor Bruce Hamaker highlighted that fibres with complex chemical or physical structures (often with limited or moderate solubility and fermentability) can only be degraded by specific bacteria. 


Precision prebiotics – general health and Parkinson’s disease

Precision prebiotic mixtures may be tailored for robust (i.e. not depending on an individual’s microbiome) promotion of target bacteria and related health responses. Studies with a small cohort of Parkinson’s disease participants showed that the applied precision prebiotic mixture was highly tolerable and effective in only 10 days in increasing gut epithelial health and reducing brain injury. 


Synergistic effects of mixtures of fibres and fibres with other bioactive compounds

Synergistic effects presented by Jan Willem van der Kamp and Frank Schuren indicated: 

  • Mixtures of fibres and in combination with other bioactive compounds contributed more effectively than single fibres to the production of short chain fatty acids and a diverse gut microbiome.
  • Single fibres eliciting individual responses of gut microbiota (responders vs. non-responders), did not elicit such differences when added as a fibre mixture.
  • Cereal bran contributed to increased microbiota diversity and/or abundance.
  • Recent meta-analyses on studies with dietary fibre and whole grain show that 25 g/day of dietary fibre is associated with a similar risk reduction for non-communicable diseases as ~ 50g whole grains/day –which contains only 4-6g fibre. This shows the synergistic effect of fibre in combination with a wide range of bioactive compounds in case of whole grain.


Sugar replacement based on polymer science; the power of fibres and fibre-rich by-products

The key challenge of sugar and fat replacement in bakery- and other products is how to get, or keep, a good texture. Stefano Renzetti’ s approach, based on integrating food technology with fundamental theories from polymer science resulted in the reformulation of food products with major reductions in sugar levels and increased levels of fibres. Sugar acts as a humectant, characterized by its water-absorbing capacity (interaction parameter Χeff ), and as a plasticizer, characterized by its capacity to softening texture (hydrogen bond density parameter Φw, eff). One example of using these new reformulation principles is the improved sensory perception of a pound cake with 30% less fat, 30% less sugar, 10% less flour, more water and more fibres, both soluble (plasticizer, humectant) and insoluble (soft filler). 


Consumers – how to bridge the fibre gap

Louise Dye reported that in the UK the intake of fibre and micronutrients decreases with decreasing income; persons with low socio-economic status (SES) are more strongly affected by non-communicable diseases. Studies and efforts for increasing fibre access and intake are part of the h3 project  - Healthy soil, Healthy food, Healthy people. Among the barriers for sufficient fibre consumption in low SES populations are low health literacy, focus on convenience (more important than health) and lack of economic resources and of social support. Effective communication specifically for this low SES group and a framework for product reformulation enriched in fibres are important factors for realizing health improvements – with a key role for food technology.  


Can health benefits be maximized? Beyond ‘just more fibre’?

As in many countries, life expectancy in the Netherlands increased in the past decades but the number of healthy years without chronic diseases decreased  (Suzan Wopereis). Many consumers will or cannot change their dietary habits to comply with the recommended patterns. However, by finding and exploiting synergistic effects of mixtures of fibres and other bioactive compounds, significant benefits to health may be realized also with less than ‘perfect‘ diets. Searching, finding and optimizing synergistic effects of mixtures is a challenge with multiple  facets. 


Optimizing of benefits of mixtures with reliable rapid methods

This wide range of options may be assessed effectively with reliable rapid methods, such as TNO’s i-screen system. Frank Schuren and Femke Hoevenaars presented results based on th highthroughput TNO I-screen system for evaluating the effects of fibres on the gut microbiota composition and its metabolic activity. These in-vitro results corresponded well with those of subsequent in-vivo studies. Suzan Wopereis outlined multiple examples of how the innovative PhenFlex methodology for assessing health effects was applied to reveal the subtle impact of whole wheat and fibres on health from a one-size-fits-all as well as from a personalized approach. 


Perspectives: combination of expertises for additional benefits to health

The symposium presented recently developed insights, plans, technologies and marked progress.    Combination and integration of the presented approaches may result in additional benefits for health as is outlined in the hypothetical cases below. 


1. Precision Prebiotic fibres for health also contributing to sugar and fat reduction 
  • Precision prebiotics can contribute to both specific and overall health benefits (Hamaker).
  • Fibres with specific physico-chemical characteristics are key contributors to healthier foods (less sugar and fat, more fibre) (Renzetti).

Fibres fulfilling both physico-chemical and precision prebiotic requirements may be found: 

  • Based on insight.
  • Supported by high throughput i-screen assessment for initial searches (Schuren) and by assessment of health benefits with Phenflex methodology (Wopereis).


2. Fibre-rich by-products – impact on the gut microbiome and for sugar replacement 
  • Fibre-rich by-products are being assessed for their technological performance (Renzetti).
  • Combinations of fibres and of fibres with a wide range of bioactive compounds show major synergistic effects/ benefits to health (Van der Kamp, Schuren).
  • With an approach similar to 1. stronger benefits to health may be realized.


3. How to improve intake of whole grains in populations?
  • The fortification of food products with fibers/whole grains, while reducing simple carbohydrates (Louise Dye) to also reach persons with low socio-economic status.
  • The communication around whole grains / fibres (Dye).
  • Building a dossier to apply for a health claim on whole grain wheat (e.g. PhenFlex, (Wopereis).
  • A personalized (communication) approach to increase awareness and adherence to whole grains/fibres (Wopereis).


4.Note: TNO is discussing a new Public Private Partnership Project

Fibres for health. Targeted microbiome modulation through in vitro pre-screening of optimal fibres                      

Improving health and preventing disease is now an important aspect of healthcare. Dietary fibres are generally considered as healthy and to function, amongst others, via the gut microbiome. Although positive effects of increased fibre intake on human health are described, it has also become clear that not every fibre is effective for every individual (and its gut microbiome). To further improve health effects a better alignment of choosing the right fiber(mix) for a specific individual is highly needed. 

We have shown in a previous study that short-term in vitro exposure of individual microbiome samples to selected fibers is predictive for longer-term in vivo effects. In this study we aim at selecting the best fiber combination for each individual based on in vitro analysis , followed by a human nutritional intervention study in which each individual receives the best fibre product for his/her microbiome. This requires a novel, flexible set-up of a human intervention study which will include multiple intervention products. Since the expected power of this study will be much higher, only a small number of participants will be needed to allow for determining statistical significance. This will simplify precision nutrition advices and thereby speed-up nutritional lifestyle interventions aimed at preventing human disease. 

Welcoming Valentina Narducci as ICC's New Technical Director

We are happy to announce the elevation of Valentina Narducci to the position of Technical Director. Having previously served as Co-Technical Director, Valentina brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her new role. Her extensive background in cereal science, coupled with her leadership as a Co-Director, positions her as a valuable asset in guiding ICC towards continued excellence.

Valentina's journey with the ICC began 16 years ago, and her familiarity with the organization's methods and practices has been a cornerstone of her career. During her previous role as Co-Technical Director, she played a pivotal role in standardizing methods and collaborating with European institutions. Now, as she steps into the role of Technical Director, Valentina's commitment to continuity and advancement ensures that ICC Cereals Science maintains its standing as a global leader in the field.

In this new chapter, Valentina takes on the role of Technical Director, while her four colleagues continue their positions as Co-Directors. The ICC community celebrates her promotion, looking forward to the collective impact of their leadership on the future success and growth of ICC Cereals Science. Congratulations to Valentina Narducci on her well-deserved appointment as the new Technical Director.

APGC23 Recap!

The 3rd ICC Asia-Pacific Grain Conference (APGC23), Co-hosted by International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC), Chinese Cereals and Oils Association (CCOA), and Henan University of Technology (HAUT), was held successfully on November 8-10, 2023, in Zhengzhou, China.

Focusing on the theme of "Grain Science and Technology Empowering a Better Life: From the Asia-Pacific to the World", APGC23 built a high-level and cross-field international platform to exchange and discuss the cutting-edge concepts and research results in the fields of green storage, cereal science and technology, oil & fat science and technology, quality and safety and etc. Valuable presentations were delivered including 12 plenary keynote presentations, 179 session presentations within 17 topics. To promote active participation from students, postgraduate student forums were arranged where a total of 45 oral presentations and 13 Best Youth Presentations were selected. Meantime, two Best Posters sponsored by the official journal of ICC— The Journal of Cereal Science were also selected. At the closing ceremony, the Excellent Organization Award and the Outstanding Contribution Award were also presented to session moderators and the companies for their great contribution to APGC23. Activities such as popular science exhibitions, new technologies and achievements exhibitions, and technology visits were also held.

Representatives from the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) were also present at this dynamic event, with ICC's Secretary General, Veronika Haslinger, and President, Gerhard Schleining, leading the charge in representing the organization.

This event attracted more than 500 representatives of government agencies, academic institutions, R&D centers and related enterprises in the grain industry and upstream and downstream fields from over 20 countries/regions to gather together to disseminate knowledge, exchange ideas, share achievements, discuss cooperation.

Save the Date | 1st ICC Sustainability Webinar

ICC cordially invites you to join a new lecture series where experts will explore the vital topics related to cereals and sustainability in a relaxed format. The aim is to provide insights into the modern challenges along the cereals' value chain and offer a concise understanding of various issues through short, informative lectures. This lecture series is structured so that each session will cover two distinct aspects within the field of cereals. Details as follows:

Date: 16 January 2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 hrs CET
Fees: 50€*

Today, the challenges within the cereal value chain are diverse, and can range from the confines of adaptation to climate change and food loss prevention to issues concerning the assessment of raw materials and their derived products. The goal of this series is to offer ideas and suggestions to address these challenges.


The debut session of this new webinar series will focus on the prevention of food losses during food production and the sustainable cultivation of baking wheat with reduced nitrogen usage. While the reduced input of nitrogen with the same baking quality of the wheat saves both the farmer's wallet and the environment, the avoidance of food waste during production can save resources and costs. These are both pressing issues central to the sustainability of the grain value chain.


The following topics will frame this session:


1) Lossless Food Processing - Potential and Pitfalls

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Nadina Müller, Head of the Research Group Food Technology, ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management – Wädenswil, Switzerland

Abstract: A significant portion of our food is lost from the field to the plate, with processing playing a pivotal role in this loss, accounting for 35% of total losses. Often, these losses involve intermediate food products that are relatively uniform and produced in large quantities. In this presentation, we will explore the potential and technological feasibility of adding value to these by-products. We will also address the challenges associated with economically viable further processing and the management of biological and chemical contaminants. The presentation will provide an overview of these topics, supplemented with examples of selected projects.


2) Sustainable Baking Wheat: Balancing Aspiration with Reality

Presenter: Dr. Alexandra Hüsken, Max-Rubner-Institut (MRI), Department of Safety and Quality of Cereals – Detmold, Germany

Abstract: In the 21st century, wheat production faces the dual challenge of efficiently providing high-quality raw materials while conserving resources for future generations. Against the backdrop of the EU's "Farm to Fork" strategy, which aims to reduce nitrogen fertilization significantly, the need for lower-protein standard qualities and quality varieties in the "baking wheat" value chain, which can efficiently use nitrogen to produce high-quality gluten, is anticipated. This presentation will explore how new descriptive variety traits (e.g., protein use efficiency) and innovative concepts (e.g., "Extension of Quality Criteria for Baking Wheat") can promote sustainable, environmentally friendly, and profitable baking wheat production in Europe.

We look forward to your participation in this webinar series as we tackle these vital topics in the world of cereals and sustainability!


Register now:


*ICC Members can participate in our webinars for free! For new student members, the fee of participating in this webinar will automatically cover membership fee all through 2024.


Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

6th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages 2023 - Brief Report

The 6th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages 2023, entitled "Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages: Designing Food for Individual Needs and Choices”, which took place in Rome from 18 to 20 October 2023, was hosted by the Research Centre for Food and Nutrition of CREA, the Italian Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, and co-organised by ICC.

GF23 brought together scientists and representatives of academia and the industry from all over the world working in all fields of gluten-free grain products. The latest findings on coeliac disease research has been presented, as well as on foods and beverages developed for people who benefit from or consciously choose a gluten-free diet. 

96 participants from more than 22 countries around the globe attended the conference. 38 posters, 27 oral presentations and 5 short oral presentations contributed to the attractive scientific programme of GF23, presented in 8 sessions.

Three keynote opening speeches were held by by Professor Carlo Catassi, Polytechnic University of Marche (IT), on how to cope with the growing celiac iceberg - by Susanna Neuhold, AOECS (IT) on what do gluten-free consumers want - and by Thomas Weiss, R-Biopharm (DE) on the new approval of the RIDASCREEN® GLIADIN ELISA. Also during the afternoon session and the second day session other two keynotes presentations were held by Professor Emanuele Zannini, Sapienzy University of Rome (IT) on the irritable bowel syndrome and why patients feel better on a gluten-free diet and by Professor Cristina M. Rosell, University of Manitoba (CA) on exploring the evolution of gluten-free bread.

ICC’s official journal Journal of Cereal Science kindly sponsored two 'Best Poster Awards' for innovative or exceptional work in the gluten-free research. Also, the scientific journal 'Foods' by MDPI sponsored two 'Best Speakers' Awards'.

The awards were given to:

Caleb S. Calix-Rivera, PROCEREALtech, Department of Agriculture and Forestry Engineering, University of Valladolid, ES


Silvia Cera, University of Helsinki, FI


Theresa Böck, University College Cork, IE


Natalie Feller, University of Hohenheim, DE



Congratulations to the winners!